
  • Can I Store Chlorine Tablets in the Garage?

    When it comes to chemical storage, one of the most common questions we get is: “Can I store chlorine tablets in the garage?” It’s a valid query, given that garages often serve as the go-to storage space for all sorts of home and garden chemicals. However, when it comes to chlorine tablets, which are crucial…

  • Can I Put Chlorine Tablets in the Pool Skimmer?

    Summer is in full swing, and for many of us, that means long days spent lounging by the pool. But as any pool owner knows, clear and safe water doesn’t happen by accident. A crucial part of maintaining your pool’s sparkle is proper chemical management. A common question that often pops up is: Can I…

  • Understanding the Impact of Chlorine on My Health

    Hello, pool enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving deep into a crucial topic for anyone who loves to spend time in the water: the impact of chlorine on our health. While chlorine is essential for keeping swimming pools safe and clean, it’s important to understand its potential effects on our bodies. In this blog, we’ll discuss the…

  • Why Chlorine Tablets Have Remained Central to Pool Sanitation for Decades

    For decades, chlorine tablets have been the cornerstone of pool maintenance and sanitation, offering a reliable and effective method for keeping swimming pools safe and clean. Their longstanding use is a testament to their efficacy in controlling harmful microorganisms, ensuring swimmers enjoy a hygienic aquatic environment. This article explores the reasons behind the enduring popularity…

  • How Long After Adding Chlorine Tablets Can a Home Swimming Pool Be Safely Used?

    Using chlorine tablets in a home swimming pool is a crucial step in maintaining the hygiene and safety of the pool. Chlorine tablets effectively kill bacteria and algae in the water, ensuring the pool water remains clean. However, many pool owners often wonder: How long after adding chlorine tablets can I use the pool again?…

  • The Role and Contribution of Pool Chlorine Tablets in Pool Cleaning

    Pool chlorine tablets are an indispensable part of pool maintenance, playing a crucial role in keeping pool water clean and hygienic. Here’s a detailed look at the role and contribution of pool chlorine tablets in pool cleaning: Bactericidal and Disinfectant Properties Pool chlorine tablets contain chlorides, which effectively kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in…